Thursday 4 February 2010

Product research

• Dark Opening - establishes mood and atmosphere that is conventional of thrillers
• Tracking across venetian blinds with obscured figure behind - conventional use of shadow and light to create enigma, possible suggest split personality.
• Ashton Kutcher slow motion running into opening shot - star presence hints that he may be central protagonist
• Sartorial Codes - blue robe and unshaven - suggest psychological institution. Is there some sort of psychological disorder at the heart of the narrative?
• Torchlight outside room - investigation
• Close-up of handwriting "Save her" - important clue, hint at narrative, creates protagonist / antagonist conflict
• Non-diegetic music - changes the pace when speeds or slows down - audience might feel tension building.
• Titles - the Butterflies in mind shapes (Xray) - audience is possibly left thinking - due to twists.
• Editing - dark titles to bright wide shot - boy cycling - journey and childhood (past, present, future) - calmer atmosphere.
• Haunted childhood - twist - unexpected so soon in the beginning of a thriller.
Incorporate into our thriller -
• Add twists - edgy, more sophisticated.
• Close ups - important clue - saves time to hint

LAYER CAKE - Key points
• Non diegetic monologue (Daniel Craig character) - introduces possibly the main character- audience sees his perspective - makes audience feel in control.
• Mellow non diegetic music - audience fully focuses on visuals - long panning and tracking shots.
• Titles - positioned subtly on objects (e.g the door) - creates a sophisticated atmosphere.
Incorporate into our thriller -
• Use a range of subtle (quite, slower paced) and loud, quick paced, non diegetic music.
• Placing titles on objects - simplistic, sophisticated titles.

SE7EN - Key points
• Opening of book - side view close up - detective/ investigation
• Names - same small writing throughout, appearing in different places - murders happen however, at different times - links between different events/objects
• Editing - Quick paced cuts - attention drawn to next symbols/clues - builds tension - audience plays detective.
• Non - diegetic sound - connect with visuals - reinforces an tense atmosphere
• Imagery - writing, photos act as evidence - suggest planned crimes
• The writing moving - blurs making it disoriented
• Ending - showing books in a row also suggest planned crimes - final stages (the books complete and on the shelf) - builds up to that moment (climax)
• Ending music - the music has a few words in - climax - anticipation to see the film
Incorporate into our thriller -
• Face drawn over - have a list of faces a cross them off (victims)
• Symbols - simplistic - letting the audience gather information for themselves

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