Thursday 22 April 2010

Afshan Naeem-evaluation question 1

Our thriller opening is called ‘Deleted’. It is set in a room which is full of computers and is located in our school this is because we needed a room with a lot of computers as this was supposed to be in our set and we could only find an area to facilitate in the schools building. Every film has costumes and props and so for our opening we needed print screens of a website which we could not access at school and needed it to put up on the screens, also we needed maps and pictures to put on our display which is the opening of our thriller.

This is the display

We decided not to show our characters face as this would create more tension as to who the person would be so we had to use clothing on the character which would make him look intimidating. We decided to use a dark grey and black jumper with the hood on his head covering everything so his face cannot be seen. Further on in the opening we needed the flashback scenes of a police officer who does not actually look like one so we decided to use one of our school teachers and got her to dress as a secret police officer.

We used a wide range of shots such as close ups, long shots, extreme close ups, high shots etc.We kept in mind thriller conventions and for our opening we used a point of view shot here are some examples:

high angle shot

extreme close up

We had to do a lot of editing of shots during the process of putting all our shots together. Some shots were useless because we filmed the same shots 3 times. Going towards the end of the film we realised that some of our shots were too long and they would bore the audience so we decided to edit them and make them 2 or 3 seconds long. The first shot is used to suggest everything. We used the display as it shows the title of the film and also suggests what it could be about because of all the maps, pictures and addresses of boys and girls. Then it moves on to close ups of all the people on a website called ‘mateplace’ and the main character using one of the computers and is on a girl’s page, he writes down information of a girl, then prints out a map, he crosses out a boys picture then throws it in the bin. This all suggests that he is a stalker. Then we have the flashbacks of two people one woman and a girl talking and sitting in an office that is used to show what the character is thinking and so the audience know automatically that it is a witness who he had stalked once before to show that this was a flashback we used a sepia tone which is different from the rest of out shots. We used non diagetic sounds throughout the opening but in some areas such as the printer we used diagetic sound. We also used a special effect in the beginning of the opening where we introduce the character it is a fade in effect from a girls picture into the character.

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