Thursday 22 April 2010

Afshan Naeem-evaluation question 7

We feel that we have developed our skills in filming, storyboarding and narration throughout the process of this product. We have learnt how to use the space given to us as in the preliminary task we had a lot of space to film whereas in our final product we did not so we had to have a good framing to get everything needed in particular shots. Some of our shots from the preliminary task were very steady because the camera was placed on the pod whereas in the final product you can see the camera moving because we could not use the pod in some places for example when we filmed through the blinds the camera was shaking.

Now we know how to edit shots and how imovie works. I am able to figure out what shot needs what kind of angle such as taking shots of the display we thought we should take a high angle shot as it would look better and zooming in from a long shot to a mid-shot. We used non-diagetic sounds in our preliminary task but did not use it in our final product this is because there was so much distraction in some shots such as the time when we needed to film the printer we had to edit it so that you can only here the printer and nobody else, we faced difficulties during our filming because we always had to find a time where there was nobody in the room as the room we used was where the rest of the students were editing there work. The flashback scene in our film was supposed to be non-diagetic sound but because of some difficulty with the camera we used at the time no sound got recorded. In our preliminary task we used shot reverse shot. We also used this in our final product where the flashback seen is shown. We have also shown match on action in our opening just as we showed it in the preliminary task. This is the shot/reverse shot from our priliminary task:

This is the shot/reverse shot from our final piece:

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