Thursday 22 April 2010

Talal Product Research


Morgan freeman lays in a room all alone which shows vulnerability and loneliness. He falls asleep to the ticking of a clock which suggests that he is reminiscing or dreaming about the past.

Eerie music starts playing as someone flicks through a book which through a book which suggests the idea of a nightmare.

Very short clips are cut and played which attracts the viewers attention. The audience starts making conclusions and assumptions of what’s next.

The man is writing a diary of past events and murders which give the character a twisted personality as he shaves of his fingerprints the audience get a hint that he is up to no good.

The opening credits flicker across a large black screen in white fading writing almost suggesting the flash of a camera or an x-ray being taken.

The persons stitches to pages of a book together as if he was trying to hide something.

The man crosses out faces on pictures which tells us that someone’s life is in danger.

A shot pans across a book shelf with stacks of books tied up which means the person is keeping track of victims and crimes being done and that there has been many in the past.

The music fastens up to build up tension and where taken to a couple waking up in bed.

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