Thursday 22 April 2010

Sadie Breed Evaluation - Q2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Many films portray women as the victims of crime and show them as 'damsels in distress' who need to be rescued by men, for example, the film Twilight (pictured below) in which the female lead is almost killed by a male character. We decided to have male victims in our opening in order to make it less stereotypical and clichéd. We had a few of the male victims' faces crossed out (suggesting they have already been 'deleted') showing that both sexes have already been killed so they are both as vulnerable.

Also  stereotype we did not mean to conform to was that of white people generally are portrayed as the victims and we had an Asian man as our stalker. This conforms to how the media will generally portray Asian men since 9/11. 

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