Thursday 22 April 2010

Talal Shah Evaluation - Q1

In what ways does our media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings

Our product includes a variety of shots such as close ups and low angled shots. The setting of the room we filmed in comes across as almost a workshop which shows the obsession our character has with his victims. Throughout the movie the stalkers face is covered which shows him from a mysterious and creepy angle considering that he is in his own home. Because our product uses these conventions it can be compared to the opening of Se7en with the non diegetic music and the crossing out of the faces.

Instead of having the title in the beginning or at the end of the clip we decided to have them within the actual opening. The titles where put in using various maps and writing the names of our production company and cast on them. We though that this would go with the theme of the movie and show the stalkers obsession with his victims.

Our opening suggests that it is a thriller due to the mysterious stalker and the fact that his face is hidden. We have a range of shots that create enigma including angled shots from the side and low shots of the stalkers feet.

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