Thursday 22 April 2010

Sophie Teasdale Evaluation question 6

  • 6. What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing this product?

  • When we worked with the cameras/equipment we had to not be afraid to place it in different, awkward positions as it would provide us with more of an interesting image.

  • Also, the filming and editing process takes a long time with lots of organisation, as we always had to be prepared to re shoot seeing as, editing displays all the faults which often is not seen when filming. Additionally, when organising we had to make sure we had the right props in order to give a more realistic effect to our film opening.
  • The most frequent use of equipment was the Sony camera and the tripod, they were both relatively straight forward to use seeing as I used them throughout the preliminary task. What I have learnt about technology is to make sure the camera is turned to its right settings because if its not then this waste film and time.

  • Furthermore, we used a range of sites including, YouTube, Blogger, Itunes which helped use develop are ideas and expand our learning by providing us with new ideas. We used Imovie to edit our opening, YouTube to upload our video once edited and then uploaded it from YouTube to Blogger so that the group could see our film. Blogger was the central place for all are group to post ideas and write from their point of view which was good, it also allows us to other outlet to make are blog more interactive and interesting such as, pictures, links and videos. However, blogger was sometimes hard to use as it is on the Internet I couldn't save my work or copy and paste my written work from Microsoft Word. It also wouldn't let me layout my work how I wanted to.

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